Ichabod is itchy

November 19, 2006

Garden update

Filed under: flowers — by ichabodisitchy @ 5:40 pm

A few weeks ago, I planted some winter flowering fenland daybreak… I’ve not got the greenest fingers in the world, so imagine my delight when I went out into the garden this afternoon and found that the plants had actually grown and that some beautiful pink flowers were blooming…

It was such a thrill– can see how people get hooked on gardening

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June 10, 2006


Filed under: flowers,reflections — by ichabodisitchy @ 7:55 pm

One of my leaving presents was this beautiful orchid. I'm not reknown for my green fingers, so wanted to get a picture of it on here before I inadvertently kill the thing off. 

It's a stunner and has lots of unopened buds, so should (in theory) stay in bloom for ages. 

Am a little worried that there is already a brown leaf. Not sure if I'm meant to give it lots of water, or practically none. I'm guessing the latter, as the pot doesn't appear to have any sort of drainage. But have been taking the middle road thus far… 

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